PHNA Neighborhood Meeting Minutes - July 8th, 2019

Lt. Crowder - Update - Crime is down! Issue of package theft in Zone 6.

  • Application for liquor license for Gino’s East of Chicago Pizza (going in old Rize Pizza space) at 675 North Highland.

  • Presenting for Gino’s: Mindy with Sard and Leff attorneys; Steve Sharples (licensee).

  • Hours: 11a-12a. Sun through Thur likely until 9 or 10p. License is later for special events.

  • Patio as well that’s dog friendly.

  • Manager will be there full time.

  • Will offer vegan and gluten free pizzas.

  • Full liquor license.

  • Planned opening late August early Sep.

  • Will redesign interior space.

  • Staff parking - spaces allotted for manager and employees. Encouraging staff to use garage, and to use side street when garage is not available, only. Model in Chicago is that most employees travel by transit.

  • Ywo hour validation at host station.
    Jim McMahel motion to support.
    Mark Brodbeck second to motion.
    18 for. 0 opposed. 0 abstained.

Mark Brodbeck - Information about PHNA Poncey Pickup and Planting. Will be held Saturday, October 6. Starts around 9a. Around 3 hour pickup then meet for beverages afterward. Captain for each of 9 regions. There will also be a planting! Email to sign up to volunteer.

Beth McDonald (also on FPC board) - Freedom Park Conservancy has just hired their first executive director. Largest part of Freedom Park is in Poncey-Highland, and Freedom Park is larger than Piedmont Park. The goal now is to figure out how PHNA and Freedom Park Conservancy can work together. Director Lauren H asked to share than there are several capital campaigns, including Rosalyn’s Butterfly Trail for monarch butterflies, as well as Park Pride and Trees Atlanta initiatives. Last Saturday of every month anyone can meet with Lauren. This month is at Condesa Coffee. Sign up for their email list on their website.

Beth - Introducing Malory Atkinson, our new board member. Malory lives in Highland School Lofts and is on their homeowner association. Malory is our new Outreach Chair.

Beth - Garbage collection - Old equipment has gone out of service and new equipment is coming in. Schedules may be adjusted over that time. The City is still working through getting yard trimmings picked up and correcting the schedule.

Beth - Bonaventure - new parking curb-outs - The City is working on changing these to work better.

Neighbor: Back wall of parking lot for Plaza Center - being tagged.

  • Who to contact? Call or email Asana property owners to have it repainted. Some neighbors have also been in touch with Publix to see about help with graffiti and other issues.

Mark: What to do about large amount of furniture/waste on the street? The City does bulk pickup once a month. Call 311 or visit ATL311 website to share the issue.

Beth: Renew Atlanta is bidding PH projects. Expected start date on sidewalk repairs is early 2019.

Kathy Hutcherson: What’s happening with the razed house by Manuel’s? It will be leveled and used as parking for Manuel’s. Townhouses go behind the big parking lot (backs up to park).


PHNA Neighborhood Meeting Notes - August 8th, 2018


PHNA General Membership Meeting - 4/18/2018